Portsmouth ˗˗ Southeast New Hampshire (SENH) Habitat for Humanity is thrilled to be the recipient of this quarter’s “Moving Communities Campaign” an initiative driven by Ms. Lexi Leddy, Realtor at Great Island Realty and a long-time resident of the Seacoast. In 2017, Ms. Leddy came up with the idea where every quarter of the year, a portion of her commission from every home she sells, is donated to a different local charity.
“Being part of my community is something that has always been important to me,” shared Leddy. Ms. Leddy’s parents taught her about the importance of giving back and helping others at a young age. “I am forever grateful for my parents and for my clients’ trust in me, as they are the reason over $30,000 has been given back to my community.”
Ms. Marcie Bergan, executive director of SENH Habitat for Humanity and Leddy have both been members of the Portsmouth Rotary Club for a number of years. They have built a long-lasting friendship and enjoy working collaboratively in their philanthropic efforts.
“Volunteers are the lifeblood of SENH Habitat for Humanity and we rely on their dedication and generosity to further our mission” shared Bergan. “Every Habitat home is built by volunteers and we couldn’t be more grateful to Lexi for her generosity and support!”
SENH Habitat for Humanity welcomes corporations and companies to come build with them. Ms. Leddy and her team from Great Island Realty joined Habitat for a corporate build day last spring and had a hand in helping another veteran family in Dover, NH fulfill their dream of homeownership.
“I’m a firm believer in what you give, you get back, said Leddy.” Leddy finds great joy in being involved with the community and also helped found Catapult Seacoast, a 501c4 nonprofit, whose mission is to help cultivate emerging business and community leaders in the Seacoast. Ms. Leddy serves on the Board of Directors for First Tee of New Hampshire.
The mission of SENH Habitat for Humanity is to eliminate poverty housing in Southeast NH. To volunteer, donate or learn more about SENH Habitat for Humanity, please visit www.senhhabitat.org or call (603) 433-9555.