Our 5th Annual Garden Party was a Success!

Our 5th Annual Garden Party was a Success!
All of us At SENH Habitat for Humanity would like to recognize and thank all of our very generous sponsors, donors, volunteers and attendees for making our 5th annual Garden Party a huge success!

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SENH Habitat “In the News” – Celebrating Our Newest Partner Family!
Click HERE to read the article. Many thanks to Seacoastonline for covering our event!
We would like to extend sincere thanks and express our gratitude to everyone that came out to our “Key Ceremony & House Blessing” on Saturday, September 14th, in celebration of our newest partner family. Another veteran family has moved into their Habitat home and we couldn’t be more excited for the Turcotte’s!
This is what Habitat for Humanity is all about and it is you, our donors and our volunteers, that make this possible. We are grateful for all of the support from our community.